How to choose tennis Racquet? - Head Size

How to choose tennis Racquet? - Head Size 

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(First line in picture, Head Size : 100 sq. in. / 645.16 sq. cm.)

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 Third thing is "Head Size"

 Head Size is also one of the most important things to be considered when you choose a racquet. In the above picture, you can see the "Head Size : 100 / 645.16". It means that the area of the racquet's head. "100 sq. in." means 100 square inches. 1 inch is equal to 2.54cm. Therefore, 10 in * 10 in = 100 is is exactly same with 25.4 cm * 25.4 cm = 645.16

 People usually use the racquet which has near the 95 sq. in. Head Size. "Mid Size" is near 95 sq. in. "Over size" is near 110 sq. in. and "Super Over Size" is more than 120 sq. in.

 Head size is related with the size of "Sweet Spot". If the Head Size is wider, then the "Sweet Spot" become wider. "Sweet Spot" means the area that has less repulsion when you hit the ball. Thus, if the area is wide enough, it is easy to hit the ball exactly. However, it is difficult to concentrate power to one point with volley play.

 So if you are a Baseliner wide head-size racquet is beneficial but if you are Serve&Volleyer you need smaller one. If you are All-arounder you need mid size one.

Other series : “Weight” “Balance” “Head Size” “Length” “Grip size” “String
